Arranging a Funeral
Arranging a Funeral
Should you find yourself in the position of having to make funeral arrangements, we will call to your home and make all the necessary arrangements in your own familiar surroundings if you wish or alternatively we can meet with you at our funeral home. We will arrange every detail from start to finish on your behalf and after speaking with us there will be nothing at all which you need to do and we will assure you of peace of mind regarding your chosen arrangements. We specialise in Removals and Funerals direct from your home if required.

Arranging a Funeral Step by Step
We arrange bookings with churches, clergy, cemeteries and crematoria.
We advise on both options of cremation and burial and civil funeral services or religious funeral services.
We arrange for your loved ones ashes to be transferred into a carefully chosen urn from our extensive range of urns.
We arrange for the drafting and publication of death notices in newspapers, on radio and online as required..
We liaise with medical personnel in nursing homes and hospitals to arrange for the completion of the Death Notification Form, the Cremation Forms and the release of your loved on into our care.
We arrange for the necessary care of the deceased person.
We advise on suitable coffin selection from our extensive range.
We provide a written estimate of funeral costs at the time of making arrangements.
We provide the necessary funeral vehicles required whether it’s from our fleet of Mercedes vehicles or our horse drawn fleet when catering for horse drawn funerals.
We provide headstones and monuments for all cemeteries.
We arrange all necessary flowers chosen for the funeral.
We arrange your chosen music and hymn selection for the funeral service.
We provide condolence books for signing at the residence, funeral home, crematorium or church.
We provide a complete repatriation service to and from Ireland.
We advise on how to obtain the necessary death certificates and elegilability regarding bereavement grants.
We provide a complete advanced funeral planning service.